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The 5 Key Success AreasCooperation & PartnershipsKey Objective: To provide a co-ordinated approach in the delivery of physical activity opportunities through the cooperation between all stakeholders and sectors including health, leisure, education, transport and community organizations. During his or her life, an individual encounters various structures - communities, organizations and institutions - that are present in the city setting and have a strong impact on his or her lifestyle and relationship to physical activity. Whereas some structures provide a framework for physical activity throughout a person’s life (e.g. sports clubs for certain sports), others only provide it for a certain period in a person’s life (e.g. kindergarten, a certain workplace). Individuals pass from one structure to the other as they get older. A typical path goes from day care to school and a sport club, then university sports and, after graduation, to occupational sports activities. Click to zoom It is therefore important that the measures taken by various administrative branches of the municipality as well as by these structures (whether they are public, NGOs or from the private sector) create a whole that logically maintains and renews a physically active lifestyle. No one can act alone anymore and the establishment of a cross-sectorial cooperation between the various structures is a key to success. The role of municipalities in this process is crucial as it they can assess the role of each structure in the development of people’s relationship to physical activity. They should engage the development of a platform for cooperation between the structures operating on their territory and facilitate the creation of collaborations and partnerships that link those acting either side-by-side (e.g. families, schools and sport clubs) and/or successively in an individual’s lifespan (e.g. kindergarten, then schools, universities and workplaces). Click to zoom An attitude of active living is not the responsibility of the sports sector alone. It is a holistic way of life that impacts many other, if not all, aspects of living in society. Therefore, it is critical that all sectors are in active communication and working together to create the possibility of active living for citizens. This includes the health, education, transport, economics, private, volunteer, urban planning, environmental, tourism, law enforcement and other sectors, encompassing sport clubs, schools, kindergarten, workplaces, senior homes, health clubs etc. It is important to have representatives from each of these sectors involved with representatives from the sport and physical activity sectors from the beginning of the active living planning cycle. That way, all aspects of a community or city can be engaged.